Many of us eat shrimp in our daily lives or maybe occasionally but do we guys know what shrimp eat in the ocean? Well in this article I am going to share very crucial and interesting facts about it.

Let us begin

What Do Shrimp Eat In The Ocean

Shrimps are omnivores and consume a large variety of food in the ocean. Their favorite food is algae, plankton, and plant particles, and small fishes. Besides that sometimes shrimp can eat other shrimp. There are over 3000 caridean species that exist.

The scientific name of shrimp is caridea. Moreover, 3000 caridean species exist worldwide. Shrimp are found in almost every watery environment in the world. There are thousands of species adapted to a wide range of habitats. They can be found on the ocean floor deep, inside the river beds, and almost in every water world on this planet.

They are mainly live in both freshwater and saltwater conditions. The majority of shrimp are found in the ocean or sea, besides one-fourth of their population is found in freshwater. The red cherry shrimp, ghost shrimp, and Brine shrimp are a few of the very well-known species that people keep in their aquariums.

The most favorable species for aquariums is red cherry shrimp. It is a freshwater shrimp and very well suited to the aquarium environment.

What Do Shrimp Eat In The Ocean?


  • Plankton: –These are the diverse organisms that are found in large bodies of water. They are very small like microscopic and seen by the naked eye floating in the sea or freshwater.
  • Algae: –Algae is a typical and non-flowering range of plants that includes seaweeds and many single-celled forms. It is easily available in large amounts for shrimp.
  • Small fishes: –There are many varieties of small and tiny-sized fishes found in the ocean. Small-size fishes are the favorite diet of shrimps.
  • Carcass: –Carcass is a dead body of animals. Shrimp eat dead animals Carcasses, such as sea snails, clams, fish, and whales. Mainely Carcass affects the water properties, by eating them shrimps contributes towards cleaning the ecosystem.

What do baby shrimp eat?

The baby shrimp are unable to eat the big bites of the food, so crushed feed is recommended for them. When the young shrimp are in the early larval stages, they eat small things that are floating on the top of the water. The baby shrimp mainly eat plankton and algae.

Nowadays, shrimp farmer feeds various types of manufactured food for baby shrimp. This food is easily available at online and offline pet stores. The availability of the plankton is usually less in the tank as compared to the ocean. The difference in the diet is only plankton between farmed and wild shrimp.

The food for baby shrimp which is available in the market is a powdered rearing food for ornamental shrimp that is rich in protein, containing zooplankton, natural vitamins, minerals, and high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids. It provides young shrimp with healthy growth.

Here Is The Best Commercial Food For Baby Shrimp:


Best Overall


Key Features

  • The Yellow SunGrow Baby Food is particularly designed to assist baby shrimp in living. Once you scoop in some SunGrow food powder, this useful yellow powder can begin to hatch and grow into microorganisms. So as to exist, baby shrimp ought to receive essential nutrients from the food they eat.
  • Microorganisms are a delicious treat that gives baby shrimp the correct nutrition to thrive and grow. The abundance of alimentary food greatly will increase the probability of baby shrimp living


Premium One


Key Features

  • Glasgarten baby Shrimp Food contains all essential proteins and amino acids that are therefore necessary for healthy growth. Extremely digestible carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) deliver the mandatory energy for ecdysiast.
  • It has fastidiously chosen protoctists, vegetables, and herbs, that provide the baby shrimps with micronutrients. All the nutrients contained during this food area unit extremely bioavailable. The powdery small granules form a fine filmlike layer on all the surfaces within the tank.


Best Budget


Key Features

  • The CSF spinach powder is high in silicates. It helps shrimps and crayfish change their skin. The fine powder easily spreads through the whole aquarium and this makes the food good breeding food.
  • It is accessible for baby shrimp easily. A little bit on the point of a knife is enough for 10 baby shrimps. It is recommended to give this as supplementary feed 2 to 3 times a week and avoid feeding them in too much quantity.

What do farmed shrimp Eat?


If you keeping the shrimp in your fish aquarium or love to do shrimp farming then you have to understand, that the diet in the ocean will be different than in a tank. The preferred food for shrimp is biofilm.  It is a collection of microorganisms and an excellent source of food for shrimp on the surface of your aquarium. Moreover, brown and green algae are the best food for shrimp. Farm shrimp eat a variety of foods listed below:

  • Pallet food
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumbers
  • Small pieces of pears
  • flake foods
  • Kale
  • Green peas
  • Carrots

The shrimp will eat almost everything as they are scavengers. You can feed them a veggie diet mixed with protein, it will provide them with nutrients for healthy development. When you are feeding them veggies, make sure to cut them into small pieces and it’s better if veggies are boiled.

Furthermore, there are many ready-to-eat commercial foods available in the market for shrimp you can go with. Those foods are absolutely healthy for the growth of your shrimp. Select commercial food with the best ingredients.

Here Is The Best Commercial Food For Shrimp:

1. Shirakura Shrimp Food

Best Overall

Shirakura Shrimp Food

Key Features

  • This Shirakura food is formed from organic algae, not from unhealthy soy & corn-like generic food packs within the market. it’s for pretty much every kind of shrimp, particularly redness, amanos, tangerine tiger, and blue velvet ones, love Shirakura food.
  • This food has a firm flake kind of feature. It doesn’t crumble simply and does not cloud the water. it’s long-lasting and provides plenty of tasty feed for your crustacean pet.

2. Hikari Crab Cuisine

Premium One

Hikari Crab Cuisine

Key Features

  • This crab food is nice for adding additional Calcium for invertebrates and shrimps. The pellets sink at once and decay terribly slowly which makes it last for an extended time within the water giving foragers to seek out it.
  • It does not cloud the water or produce a large number and stays intact for a couple of days once left untouched. There’s no copper listed within the ingredients. Red Cherry Shrimp loves this.

3. Omega One Sinking Pellets

Best Budget

Omega One Sinking Pellets

Key Features

  • Omega One Shrimp Pellet food is a complete food for all bottom feeders, especially shrimps and fish.
  • It is made with whole fresh Seafood from sustainable fisheries and is rich in nutrients. They are high-quality shrimp pellets. These shrimp pellets stay in the water for a long time without melting like others.

Lifecycle Of Shrimp

The lifespan of a shrimp is 1 to 2 years. Female is capable of storing sperm from multiple partners.

A female shrimp will produce a large number of offspring. Mother shrimp lay 50000 to 1 million eggs which are fertilized on the bottom of the water. It takes only 2 weeks for the hatching of eggs.

Red Cherry Shrimp Breeder Combo Pack

The little larvae float up to the surface of the water. There are several larval stages they will go through, to become a tiny version of adult shrimp.  Then they go back to the bottom of the ocean or water to survive and become adult shrimp. Shrimp eat mainly small fish in the ocean. It can survive up to more than 16000 feet, on the bottom of deep water.

Features Of Shrimp

Shrimp look slender with long muscular abdomens.  The carapace of shrimp looks cylindrical. They look somewhat like lobsters and prawns but have so many differences between them.


Shrimp eat a number of things in the ocean. The antennae of shrimp are usually long, reaching more than twice the body length in some shrimp species. They have well-developed pleopods(swimmerets) and slender walking legs and are more adapted for swimming than walking.

Difference Between Shrimp And Prawn


Shrimps are very closely related to the prawns. Generally, people get confused about differentiating both because they have similar looks, but both are different creatures. They vary in gill structure and the structure of the second abdominal segment structure. Sometimes prawns are said to be large shrimp or freshwater shrimp.

How Shrimp Help To Clean Water?


Shrimps are doing a lot of work to clean water and preserve the ecosystem. In the water, there are so many small particles and other things that pollute the water. These scavengers pick each and every small material on the bottom and clean the water by digesting the insects that are polluting the water.

Shrimp As A Food

Shrimp is the most common seafood from a long ago. There are thousands of species of shrimp of which 20 species are most commercial and edible.


Shrimp is very low in total fat which is about 1.5 grams per serving.  That is with almost no saturated fat at all and that is good for the arteries. It contains omega-3 fats which are very important for cardiovascular health.

As per the studies, even shrimp does increase bad LDL cholesterol, but it actually increases good HDL cholesterol slightly more.

Shrimp is a heart-smart diet as long as it is enjoyed in modernization. It can be good for health when eaten boiled, baked, or grilled and not served fried or drowning in butter.

Shrimp is high in calcium, iodine, and protein but on the other hand, it is low in food energy. A shrimp-based food contains a high level of cholesterol, from 122 mg to 251 mg per 100 g of shrimp, depending on the method of baking and serving.

Do you eat shrimp…? Let us know how you find this article about what do shrimp eat in the ocean. You can also share any information you have about shrimp in the comment section.


About David Gray

David Gray is born & raised in Bozeman Montana, USA. He has been hunting & fishing since 2009. And used most of the outdoor gear during his 22 years of hunting experience. He likes to spend most of the time in the woods, on the trail, or by the water. He taught us about his outdoor journey and equipment experience.

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One thought on “What Do Shrimp Eat In The Ocean

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